天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟
天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟

Top 10 Cat Quirks (猫咪趣怪爬行榜)


No. 10 – Head-Butting(顶猫猫)
After a day apart, most cats like to greet their human caretakers with a firm yet gentle head-butt to the leg, face or whatever other body part happens to be available. Don’t be alarmed – this is a sure sign of affection and loyalty. Head-butting, which is also called “bunting,” may also be a way for your furry friend to lay territorial claim to you. Cats have scent glands in their foreheads that leave a subtle yet recognizable aroma that says “I’m taken” on anyone or anything they butt into…

当家人离开一天后归来,大多猫咪喜欢用这样的方式来迎接:用头对着人的腿、脸或其他任何身体部位来一个坚定却很温柔的“顶顶”。别怕……这是表达爱 意与忠诚的明显信号。顶猫猫,也是猫咪宣告你成为其领属的一种方式。玩顶猫猫时,猫咪的前额会留下细微的气味来表示:这个“人”(或“东西”)被我占了!

No. 9 – Ankle Ambushes (抱腿伏击)
The simple act of walking down a hallway can become a gauntlet run for some cat owners who owns cats. Frisky felines love to lie in wait for their “prey” to pass by so they can pounce on their ankles and take them down. But try not to take it personally — cats are merely acting on a natural instinct to hunt game (i.e., you). Ankle ambushes allow them to hone their predatory skills, which would be critical to survival in the wild, but they still want to sleep in your lap after the ambush.
图片来源: http://rantsfromtherookery.blogspot.com/
猫咪的这种行为会让某些猫主稀松平常的走廊漫步变成狂奔大冒险。那些屁猫们喜欢倒地埋伏等着“猎物”经过,然后猛扑向他们的踝部并将其放倒。但别生 气,猫咪只是凭天性跟你玩个捕食游戏。猫咪利用抱腿伏击锻炼他们的捕猎能力,这对于野外生存是至关重要的,不过游戏后他们依然想要睡在你的大腿上……(插一句:大喜最喜欢这种游戏啦~)
No. 8 – Drapery Desire (恋布情结)
It’s difficult to determine exactly when the attraction between cats and window-coverings began, but it probably dates back to prehistoric times. Cats simply cannot resist launching attacks on a swaying curtain, dangling blind pull or colorful tapestry tassel. If this sounds all too familiar, don’t despair. You can go to www.catchow.com and ask a Purina Cat Chow Mentor for help.

很难断定猫与窗帘之间的这种情结产生的确切时间,但很有可能会推到史前时代了。猫咪就是无法抵挡飘荡的窗帘、摇摆的挂绳和五颜六色的流苏的诱惑,非 要上去扒两下不可。即使这听起来像是“天意难违”,但也别绝望,到www.catchow.com网站问问Purina Cat Chow Mentor专家也许有解决办法(插一句,可以用英语提问的,而且那里有个亚裔的行为学专家不错……我指的是长得挺PP的)

No. 7 – Pushing Paws(猫踩踩)
A sure sign of kitty contentment is the act of kneading, in which a cat climbs into your lap and begins to push its paws against your legs in an apparent attempt to find the most comfortable spot. Kneading may also be accompanied by heavy purring, head-butting and possibly a bit of drooling. But don’t let a little cat spit stand between you and a good knead session. This quirky behavior is almost always a sign of great affection, so take it as a compliment.

图片来源: wikipedia_Kneading

猫崽儿心满意足的最大表现就是这种类似于按摩的揉捏爪子动作。他会跳到大腿上,把爪子到处踩,找一个最让他舒服的点。做这一动作的同时,通常还伴着 大大的呼噜声,再来下顶猫猫,可能还会朝你咪咪眼。当小猫崽踩爪子时,最好不要打断他。小猫只有极为幸福时才会用猫踩踩来表达爱意,所以,把它当成对你的 赞赏好了。

No. 6 – The Sideways Hop (侧跳)
This particular cat quirk can be alarming upon first sight, so try to remain calm if you notice it in your pet. Called the “sideways hop,” it’s a special favorite of the young and playful. It usually begins with a fluffed-up tail and all four legs stretched taut. Then, the cat will arch its back, turn its body sideways, and bounce toward you or whoever may be the “target.” Keep in mind that the sideways hop is rarely an aggressive maneuver, but you are expected to play along. According to feline etiquette, the best response is to get down on all fours and perform a similar hop in return.
第一次看到猫玩侧跳时可能会被吓到,但请保持冷静~所谓“侧跳”,是小猫崽儿和屁猫们的特殊爱好。侧跳的前兆是蓬蓬起来的大尾巴,繃得直直的四条 腿,然后猫咪会弓起腰,歪着身子冲着你或其他什么目标四个蹄子同时离地跳起来。记住,侧跳不是一种攻击性的手段,只代表着猫咪邀你一起玩耍。根据猫咪礼 节,对侧跳的最佳反应是四脚着地,也做出类似的跳跃作为回敬。
No. 5 – Water Snobbery(水源上的挑三捡四)
In addition to food, most cat owners graciously provide a bowl of fresh water each day for their pets. However, this is a futile effort. The water bowl is almost always the last choice of liquid libation for felines. For reasons not well understood, cats will pursue all other aqueous options, including toilet water and algae-filled plant run-off, before drinking the fluid in their water bowls. Some attribute this tendency to a preference for running water, citing the ubiquitous pre-drink paw-swirl behavior as an example of cats’ desire for beverages that move. But this explanation seems unlikely considering cats’ top choice for thirst quenching: whatever water happens to be in their owner’s glass.
除了食物,大多数猫主每天还屁颠屁颠地给猫咪们换好一大碗清水,这其实都是无用功。个中缘由虽无人说得清,但猫咪们除了主人给他们倒在碗里的之外, 啥都爱喝,包括马桶里的水和带着草叶子排掉的水。有些人认为这反映出猫咪喜欢流水,比如说常常见到猫在喝水前用爪子搅水的动作就说明猫对流动饮料的喜爱。 但这却无法解释为啥猫用以解渴的首选用水往往装在主人杯子里……
No. 4 – Unwanted Scratching (荡爪)
All cats scratch. It’s a fact of feline life, so any pet parent who tries to prevent it in their cats is going to be sorely disappointed. Scratching is a natural behavior for cats as this is the way they remove the outer sheath of their nails to expose the new nail underneath. It is also used as a method of communication between cats. The good news is that you can minimize destructive scratching in cats by trimming their claws every two weeks or so and by providing them with a variety of scratch posts and toys.


No. 3 – Killer Curiosity(杀手好奇心)
Virtually all cats have an insatiable curiosity that keeps them well-entertained in between their six or seven daily naps. However, this propensity for prying can also lead cats into trouble. Sure, those soapy bubbles look delightfully tempting as they float up from the tub, but one wrong paw placement and your four-legged friend gets soaked. And what self-respecting kitty can resist the sweet smells of a freshly cut Christmas tree? Not many, though few can claim victory in actually getting inside of the tree! To lessen the curiosity on your personal items, try instead to feed their curiosity with a variety of playful cat toys.

实际上所有的猫咪都有一种无法满足的好奇心,用以打发每天六七次盹寐之间的无聊生活。然而这种到处打探的习性也会让猫咪吃不了兜着走。没错,那些从 浴盆中飘浮起来的泡泡看起来是那么的闪闪诱猫,然而一旦失足你的四蹄儿朋友就溺了水鸟~还有,哪只自重的猫崽子能抵挡得住一棵刚砍下来的圣诞树的喷香诱惑 呢?尽管有极小撮猫能真的钻进树里欢呼胜利,大多数猫咪可不是那块料。为了避免猫咪对你的私人用品垂涎三尺,用好玩儿的猫玩具来满足他们的好奇心吧。
No. 2 – Gruesome Gift-Giving(雷人的猫礼物)
Gift-giving is a wonderful thing. That is, unless the gift bestowed is a dead or dying animal. Considering that cats have a natural instinct to hunt, most felinophiles will inevitably receive the gift of an animal carcass at one time or another. Even well-fed cats that never venture outdoors may encounter a mouse now and then, and most cannot resist the thrill of a chase. And when your furry friend eventually triumphs over the tiny creature, he will undoubtedly deliver it to you with a look that says “You’re quite welcome.”

“礼多人不怪”,除非送的礼物是一具尸体或者濒死的动物……想想吧,猫咪是天生的猎手,那些猫迷们不可避免地一次或几次收到猫咪送的尸体礼物。即使 是吃得脑满肠肥的室内猫也没准什么时候遇到一只老鼠,而且大多数猫咪都无法抑制追逐的兴奋。等你毛茸茸的朋友最终战胜了那个小可怜儿后,他毫无疑问会把受 害者甩给你并且露出一脸“不用客气”的表情。

No. 1 – Purring(呼~~噜)
To cat lovers, nothing is more satisfying than a deep and resounding purr emanating from their pet as they scratch behind their ears or rub their belly. Cats may purr for a variety of reasons, but this behavior almost always indicates utter contentment on the part of a feline. Purring may also have beneficial powers, such as pain relief and the promotion of healing in injured animals. But the most important role for purring is probably between a mother and her kittens. Newborn cats are able to purr within the first few days of life, and this behavior may help mothers bond with and keep track of her litter.


对于猫迷们来说,当他们轻搔猫咪的耳后或者抚摸肚皮时,没有任何东西比得上怀中尤物那低沉迥响的呼噜声更能让人心满意足了。有多种原因会让猫咪发出 呼噜声。呼噜也很有益处,比如会减轻受伤猫咪的疼痛,促进伤口愈合。但呼噜最重要的角色出演于猫妈和猫崽中间。新生小猫在落地头几天便能打呼,这一行为会 帮助猫妈了解崽子们的踪迹并把他们拢在身边。

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