天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟
天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟

中美战略对话或Senior Dialogue



对话是“坦诚、深入”的(中国外交部),”constructive and frank”(美国国务院



“included the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, curbing Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons capability, the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, and peace and security in Northeast Asia. There was discussion on human rights and a range of transnational issues, such as climate change, energy security, and combating the spread of weapons of mass destruction. They also discussed the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.”(U.S. Department of State:Conclusion of the Fourth U.S.-China Senior Dialogue

台湾问题在这次会谈中是一个首要问题,其中一个原因就是现在台湾当局在公投方面的活跃。之前(6月19日)的记者会上,美国国务院发言人麦科马克说,美国基于一贯的”一个中国”政策,不支持台湾加入任何只有主权国家才能加入的国际组织,包括联合国。 (BBC:美国不支持台湾进行加入联合国公投

对话后(22日)的记者会上,在问到对话中是否谈及“公投”问题(come up in the Senior Dialogue)以及美国对公投的态度时,发言人的回答是:”The United States is not opposed to referenda in principle. We appreciate and strongly support Taiwan’s democratic development. The United States opposes any initiative that appears designed to change Taiwan’s status unilaterally. This would include a referendum on whether to apply to the United Nations under the name Taiwan.”(U.S. Department of State:China – Taiwan at the Senior Dialogue)




第二次战略对话,2005年12月7日。华盛顿。戴秉国:佐利克。“we discussed how China could work with the United States and others on challenges such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea. …… We discussed our overlapping interests in fighting terrorism, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, building energy security, and reducing the risks of pandemic disease. “

第三次战略对话,2006年11月8日。北京。杨洁篪:伯恩斯。“The two discussed U.S.-China bilateral relations, and cooperation on a range of key global issues, including North Korea, Iran, Darfur, Burma, APEC, and UN reform.”

评价:senior dialogue要比“战略对话”要确切





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