天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟
天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟

菊瓣飘飘寻真爱:One I Love

One I Love
One I love, two she loves
Three she’s true to me
All of my friends fell out with me
Because I kept your company
But let them say whatever they will
I love my love with a free good will

One I love, two she loves
And three she’s true to me
They tell me he’s poor, they tell me he’s young
I tell them all to hold their tongue
If they could part the sand from the sea
They never could part my love from me

One I love, two she loves
Three she’s true to me
When I’m awake, I find no rest
Until his head lies on my breast
When I’m asleep I’m dreaming of
My own, my dear, my one true love

One I love, two she loves
Three she’s true to me
When the fire to ice will run
And when the tide no longer turns
And when the rocks melt with the sun
My love for you will have just begun

One I love, two she loves
Three she’s true to me
One I love, two she loves
And three she’s true to me

爱我所爱 随我所愿

免开尊口 却是我的回应




这首清唱的One I Love来自Méav(官网Wikipedia-faviconMéav),原作是Jean Ritchie(官网Wikipedia-faviconJean Ritchie)。讲的是一个冲破门户之见寻找真爱的女子的心声。

歌词比较让人难于理解的部分在于反复吟唱的One I love, two she loves/Three she’s true to me,网上的中文翻译很是不能让人满意,甚至很可笑,百思不得其解的情况下,给原作者:85岁的美国老太太Jean Ritchie发了封邮件寻求帮助,很快,便得到了她的详尽回复:

It’s a way of telling your fortune (about the one you like best)- Pull a petal off a daisy and say, One- I love;  pull a second petal and say, Two- he(or she) loves;  pull a third petal and say, Three- he/she’s true to me (likes or loves ME only).  Keep pulling petals and repeating these three sentences over and over (one for each petal) and the very last petal pulled from the daisy tells which saying is most true.

Actually, most of the time young folks just say,  “He (or she) loves me.- He/she love me not- over and over until reaching the last petal.  A more complicated “daisy fortune” is to say, while pulling the petals:
He loves me
He don’t
(“don’t is not good grammer- should be “doesn’t” but some say it, and it rhymes!)
He’ll marry me
He won’t
He would
If he could
But he can’t!

So go ahead and tell your daisy fortune……..

嗯……一切便豁然开朗,但是这里用的是She,应该是故事的男主角在用这种(太过稚嫩?)daisy fortune方式排遣内心的爱恋与烦恼。至于译成三瓣四瓣,除了顺口以外,还是体会男主人公的心理的结果。One I Love,原作似乎是写作One, I Love的。


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