天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟
天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟

The best father you could ever imagine, an American legend, and the King of Pop.

熬夜看完了凤凰资讯转播的MJ追思会, 没想到最悲伤的部分竟然是在最后一刻出其不意地到来。本没有人安排Paris Jackson向她的父亲作最后的道别,甚至主办者说her appearance was not a planned part of Tuesday’s star-studded tribute to the “King of Pop” at Los Angeles’ Staples Center,而且杰克逊家族为了调整麦克风也是好一番手忙脚乱……

“Ever since I was born, my Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine …”
“…and I just want to say I love him so much.”


还有一位(众?)议员展示了6月26日众议院通过的第600号决议:Honoring an American legend and musical icon。

而由于上周歌迷们购买了超过80万张的MJ专辑,所以Jackson still ‘King of Pop’ on Billboard charts(CNN)

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