天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟
天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟

Michael Jackson走了

The Music: Through the Years, He Crossed Generational Lines.(washingtonpost.com)


所有媒体的frontpage都是有关他的消息,Channel V每隔一段时间就播放几首他的MV,各种网站、论坛、博客、Twitter不断地更新着歌迷和非歌迷们的悼念信息。



In the weeks before his death, we might have said we didn’t know how we felt about Michael Jackson. He’d become so bizarre, so pale, so foreign and different from the musical genius some of us once worshipped. We thought that we hardly thought about him, except perhaps as a punch line. We felt that we felt nothing. But when news of Jackson’s death broke yesterday, it turned out that we were wrong. Fans and unfans alike, all around the world, all felt something, and sometimes very deeply.(washingtonpost.com)

天堂里应该没有那么多的纷扰,天堂里肯定有你的歌迷。走好,King of Pop。

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