天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟
天上芙蓉剑 人间竹叶舟

New Yorker 的风格

Cat to mother cat surrounded by litter of kittens.

“Can I borrow those kittens for an hour? I want to freak out(吓唬) the people who had me spayed(雌阉).”

(Cat who has just scratched the back of a chair to ribbons says to another cat.)


A retriever’s thoughts after having brought back a stick thrown by its owner.

是啊,不管做得如何出色,我们也不过是拍拍狗的头,说句“Good Dog!”,而不会说:伟大的狗儿啊!而且我们总把非人物体称为“It”,那是否也想过,在动物啊、植物啊什么的眼里,我们其实也是“It”呢?也许人就是这么自大,而在狗的眼里,哪里有VIP呢,所谓的Very Important Person,也许连个Good Person都不是!嗯,也许连Good Dog都不如!

A dog, sitting at a computer terminal, talking to another dog.



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